Yes. FINALLY WE HAVE BIRTH! It has been a long time to get this off the ground. It is not easy by any means. Or I have high expectations. The website is about 80% completed. I have been working on this for awhile and not knowing how to present this. Trying to start your own business is hard! Well...duh. The hard part for me is finding the time to do the leg work. I am not a great writer so it takes time for me to convey what I am thinking. Second I am not a web developer. And learning how to build a website is tasking. But I am moving along. I still have to work on adding the Podcast and then Videos. The good thing is I have the Podcast set up and have the intro and trailer record. Now Just adding it to the website. I guess I will work on that this week. Right now as I type this my eyes are heavy and trying not to fall asleep. Lol. I have Immortal Songs 2 on to keep me awake. Right now it is on the JYP episode from this year. So that will keep me awake. What is Micktabulous? Or more so why? I have a slight obsession with Korean entertainment. I think everyone should be expose to this amazing genre. I figure since I love it so much I can start a website to share my love of this genre to the world. I also am using this site to help me learn how to manage a site for my future business (Life Coaching). This is like a practice run and once I get my feet wet, I can give focus to my Life Coaching business. Now that does not mean this is not my baby; this site is what can help me grow in order to give the best to those I will help in the future. I do not expect much from this site. I hope I can get at least 30-50 hits a day...that maybe ambitious. I just hope to grow this site along with my other site to be a place where people can find enjoyment.
Here we go! The first 2 days of the 1st week of January Reviews are up. I will continue this week to post the rest of the first week. Thanks for joining me on this ride.
Your Girl
